Thursday, October 2, 2008

hello eco challengers.

we have already spent most of the eco money and this is what we have already bought....
1. battery powered fan
2. biodegradable handsoap with 100% recyclable bottle
3. floor mats (interior and exterior) that allow for less vacuuming
4. organic milk
5. rags and dish/hand towls
6. timer for showers

we also set up schedules for each member of the house in relation to chores and doing their share in helping. we including chores such as making sure recycling and garbage dont contaminate eachother, making sure lights are all out at night or when leaving the house, making sure everything is turned off or unplugged at night such as tv or microwave (anything that uses power even when not in use), and cleaning kitchen and bathroom at the end of the day so it saves more water in the long run.

to save water will plan to time our showers, keeping them at 8 minutes or less. we will also not flushing the toilet every single time, due to the fact that each flush uses about 3 gallons of water, unless circumstances require us to. we were also looking into finding something for the shower head that could reduce the amount of water used. we want to find something for the kitchen sink that stops the water from going down the drain for time such as washing dishes.

for electricity we plan on unplugging thing such as the microwave when ever we arent using it. we plan on keeping the tv completely turned off from a power strip unless in use. we will make sure that when we leave a room or the house all lights are off as well. during the day we are going to try to keep blinds open and use natural light instead.

we try to reduce by having a jug of water in the fridge. then we reuse if possible, such as water bottles until weigh in. then we recycle everything we can.

for coffee grounds and fruit we are going to try to make a compost pile. this will then fill in any pot holes in our yard. this is good for the environment.

Rachel Lubin
Stephanie Reinke

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