Friday, October 10, 2008


Well, the schedule is working out when everyone follows it, which is happening for the most part. We also are pretty much sticking to the 8 minute time limit on the showers. It's hard to switch from a longer shower to only 8 minutes, but everyone is trying to make it work. For the electricity portion, everyone is turning out the lights when the leave a room or there's someone around to catch it and turn it off. All the appliances are remaining unplugged when not in use and use has diminished to only necessary use. We also are trying to keep the lights off until they are absolutely necessary.
The whole process is helpful in seeing how much we actually waste. It's also challenging to try and change habits that we've had for so long. Most of us keep our laptops on and plugged in almost all of the time. I know for me that it's hard to change from just closing my laptop and leaving for class to unplugging it, turning off the power strip and letting it run on its battery. I hate turning off my computer completely, so it's easier to just unplug it when I leave, but it's not as easy as leaving it plugged in and closing the top. Like I said, this whole process has us changing old habits and everyone knows old habits die hard. We'll have to see how we do in the weeks to come and see if we stick to these changes after the contest is over or convert back to our old ways. Hopefully we do the former rather than the latter, but only time will tell.

Kate Jones

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